The Mars & Minerva Project
MARS/MINERVA DOCUMENTS 2022.07.04: Reference archiving of American Military Geopolitics & World Histories/International Relations in the 20th/21st Century
Welcome to The Mars & Minerva Project. And A Happy Belated Independence Day! … This is an introductory essay to the presentation of these Citizen Zero documents– • Appendix-I of Z.0 Pamphlet – A 20th/21st Century Historical Compendium of USA Military Geopolitics : [ Mars Project Evernote Link ] • Appendix-II of Z.0 Pamphlet – 20th/21st Century World Historical Overview & On-going International Relations : [ Minerva Project Evernote Link ] … First of these document gathers from a variety of published history books firstly and other relevant publications pertaining to 20th/21st Century American military/economic/geopolitical relations with other nations of the world, that's exactly a century after WW-I to present-day, and 'Four-score & some years' following WW-II. (The use of the expression from the Gettysburg address here is intended to foreshadow that the United States & The World at large has arrived at the critical inflexion to go separately from the American Way in charting the rightful peaceful sovereign destinies of nations, and unhappily so because the great majority of these historical instances is the utterly revolting form American Imperialism has shaped the world today following in the wake of 3-4 centuries of the abject bastardy of British-European Colonialism, or it is for us to look at this world history so reckoned, addressing the national & humanitarian degradations as resulted, find the ways for just repatriations & remunerations, and affirm that we are all here to stay the course together, 'though of old, of one equal temper of heroic heart' –made strange by time?) … The Mars Project: To the effect of realization of Appendix-I, The People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn is used as a primary reference to events connected to American Military Geopolitics. While this book in its 2010 re-publication after the first 1980 print, with chapters 16 – 25, goes as far it does drawing from its vast bibliography of other published books, historical sources, citations, news-articles, classified & declassified governmental & military documents, and no less from personal narratives of individuals directly concerned with such events or as told caught amidst its crossfires, and specifically more comprehensive with its account of 20th Century American Wars, namely the Korean War, Vietnam War, First Gulf War, of all other direct & indirect American foreign military actions, but also no less with its broad sweep of various American multinationals' industrial exploitation of foreign national resources of the last century. The book ends however with only the briefest impressions of the first two years (2001-2003) of American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which has continued for these on-going two decades of the 21st Century and proliferated into the worst humanitarian crisis in these nations, to their peoples, and worse still with repurcussions that has gone further beyond these world regions. Having started with these notes as the base framework for realizing Appendix-I, future updates to this document will draw from as many other relevant historical sources of USA-Foreign Relations so as to add to these accounts where there's lacunae or where a more clearer, detailed resolution emerges or of something new altogether. … The Minerva Project: Appendix-II of Z.0 pamphlet – World Nations Historical Overview, was created originally from Citizen Zero notes in the readings from the book Glimpses Of World History by Jawaharlal Nehru which is a classic historical magnus opus written in the form of over 200 letters to his then teenage daughter Indira Priyadarshini Nehru, out of his years in prison during the 1930s of the Indian Freedom Movement. The enduring brilliance of this book is the overarching geography & timespan of events it covers from pre-history, through 3-5 millenia of civilizations from around the world, of various monarchies, upheavals, invasions, golden-ages, travel, explorations, commerce, culture, societies, neighbourly & foreign relations, and then of colonizations, up until the view of the world after WWI (and arriving into the era of 1930s.) From among the foremost visionary statesmen of the 20th century, a man confined to one remote corner of India (and later the first prime-minister of the republic) to rally forth in his mind to encompass the world is nothing short of incredible in just the way as Archimedes asking for but 'one immovable point in space' so that he could 'roll off the globe from its orbit' and as magical as Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. It is that kind of work and one that humanistically attempts to account for 'The Original Relations among Nations'. Hence, the choice of this book here to build up the framework for Appendix-II of providing the overview of World Nations' Histories up until pre-WWII era, and from there onwards, at a future time, to consolidate these notes with individual histories of nations in the 20th/21st centuries from their own points-of-view, specifically noted with regards to foreign relations, regional cooperations, and of challenges and concerns of present-day globalization. (This book was written a decade or so before the other historical classic 'Discovery of India' which came about in 1944, also as letters to his daughter out of prison this time serving a two-year arrest under British-India war-emergency measures.) … Additionally, direct quotations from these books would be accompanied with Citizen Zero paraphrased notes and/or shorthand written in the form of extendable internet-hashtags that may used open-sourced towards building a more comprehensive history of our world. … Stay Interested. Thanks. 👨🏾🚀Citizen Zero / Charlie HOUODUT ✌🏾
This July 4th 2022 presentation of the first Mars & Minerva documents was created to meet some of the some of the mission objectives set forth in the Citizen Zero Z.0 Pamphlet (02/2022) [link]
Mars/Minerva Document: Bookmarks on USA Foreign Wars from Howard Zinn's People's History of The United States (Chapters 16-25) [link] with Internet Hashtags by Citizen Zero for crowdsourcing narratives in 21st Century [link]