Book: Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius – Translated by George Grube – Copyright © 1983 by Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. – Read by: Sam d'Amo for Vox Olympia Audiobooks – Recording Studio: BL Hemavathi Literary Arts Foundation – 1.📻 (32 mins): Title, Copyright, Contents, Book I; 2. 📻 (32 mins): Book II; 3. 📻 (35 mins): Book III; 4. 📻 (60 mins): Book IV; 5. 📻 (55 mins): Book V; 6. 📻 (56 mins): Book VI; 7. 📻 (58 mins): Book VII; 8. 📻 (61 mins): Book VIII; 9. 📻 (50 mins): Book IX; 10. 📻 (58 mins): Book X; 11. 📻 (48 mins): Book XI; 12. 📻 (43 mins): Book XII; 12. 📻 (20 mins): Glossary;
Vox Olympia Audiobooks
Vox Olympia Editorial Committee records book-readings of a selection of autobiographical & other special books. Stay interested.
Read by: Citizen Zero of India for Vox Olympia Audiobooks – Recording Studio: BL Hemavathi Literary Arts Foundation
Dear Listeners, do communicate to us any errata in our reading & recording of these books such as missing text & mispronounced words. Some lines are double-read when our spotter available signals a reread. Corrections will be incorporated as made known & merged. Appreciate the feedback.
Happy Summer (or Winter) Of Reading!
Vox Olympia Editorial Committee records book-readings of a selection of autobiographical & other special books. Stay interested.
Read by: Citizen Zero of India for Vox Olympia Audiobooks – Recording Studio: BL Hemavathi Literary Arts Foundation
Dear Listeners, do communicate to us any errata in our reading & recording of these books such as missing text & mispronounced words. Some lines are double-read when our spotter available signals a reread. Corrections will be incorporated as made known & merged. Appreciate the feedback.
Happy Summer (or Winter) Of Reading!Listen on
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